3 Apartamentos Pombalinos / Aurora Arquitectos

Text description provided by the architects. What is Pombalino today?
An apartment used as a leather tannerie workshop for a long time. This use aggressiveness destroyed its character and the features of the pombalino architectonic imaginary were lost.

Planta – Projeto

When this space was refurbishment and divided into 3 apartments, the following principles were adopted:
To maintain the pre-modern logic of circulation between rooms, without any corridors or small distribution spaces, adaption the intervention to the existing partitioning, and decreasing a lot the need of demolitions, so that the integrity of the existing structure is preserved.

Door Detail


Reinvention of the pombalino interior’s architecture, by selecting some of its main features: sparsely decorated spaces, modular use of the constructive elements, and the use of windows and doors as the main elements of the architectonic characterization. This way, the identity of the common space is composed by the sum of the individual ones.

© do mal o menos

  • Architects

    Aurora Arquitectos

  • Location

    Sao Juliao St., 1100 Lisbon, Portugal

  • Category


  • Area

    315 sq. m

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    do mal o menos

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