3033 Wilshire Tower / Steinberg Hart

Text description provided by the architects. With its sculpted profile, high-quality residential units, and thoughtfully planned social areas, this high-density, mixed-use development is set to become an architectural icon, connecting downtown Los Angeles to Koreatown. Sitting at the corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Virgil Avenue, the building stands out as one of the first luxury mixed-use projects to be constructed along the 16-mile historic corridor that stretches west from downtown.

Ground Floor Plan

From the rooftop deck, residential balconies cascade down the sleek glass and aluminum exterior. Employing glass as the primary skin element, the protruding decks change size as they move up the building, creating a fluid appearance across the facade. The 190 residential units — including studios, one-and-two-bedroom apartments, and several penthouse suites — were designed with an unmatched emphasis on material quality and location experience.

The rooftop sky deck features a pool and spa, as well as an enclosed clubroom and demonstration kitchen. The surrounding views capture Downtown LA, the Hollywood Hills, and the Pacific Ocean, all in one sweeping glance. Additional amenities include a lobby lounge, fitness center, dining/conference room, and golf simulator. The street level includes 5,500 SF of commercial retail space.


© Hunter Kerhart

  • Architects

    Steinberg Hart

  • Location

    Los Angeles, CA, United States

  • Category


  • Lead Architects

    Steinberg Hart

  • Area

    354000.0 ft2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Hunter Kerhart

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