Abbotts Creek Community Center / Clark Nexsen

Text description provided by the architects. To serve a rapidly growing area of the city, the Raleigh Parks and Recreation Department partnered with Clark Nexsen design the new, health-focused Abbotts Creek Community Center. The healthy living themed facility houses a high bay gymnasium space with supporting classrooms, fitness spaces, and staff space. Complimentary outdoor athletic and fitness spaces are also included.

Wall Section

The bow-trussed gym supports full-size basketball and volleyball courts and offers cross-courts for basketball. Support spaces consist of a multi-purpose room, associated kitchen, storage, office, and classroom to serve tracked-out students who are enrolled in year-round programs in nearby Wake County schools. A studio and fitness center, as well as spaces for staff offices and a lobby, round out the main program elements. The facility also includes shower and locker facilities and is tracking LEED Silver certification.

The construction of the building is a structural steel frame with envelope construction consisting of a ground-face CMU veneer and metal panels. The upper level of the gymnasium has insulated fiberglass sandwich panels with a clear insulated vision glass system. The lobby contains curtain wall construction with perforated metal screening. The building orientation maximizes daylighting on the northern and southern facades.


© Mark Herboth Photography

  • Architects

    Clark Nexsen

  • Location

    9950 Durant Rd, Raleigh, NC 27614, United States

  • Category

    Community Center

  • Lead Architect

    Donna Francis

  • Design Team

    Clymer Cease, Jennifer Heintz, Katelyn Ottaway, Albert McDonald, Matt Koonts, Payton Evert, Don Kranbuehl, Maria Rusafova, Cathleen Amalia, Erika Jolleys

  • Area

    26500.0 ft2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Mark Herboth Photography, Jordan Gray and Erika Jolleys

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