Call Me MOSAIC Bookstore / TurtleHill

Text description provided by the architects. Call me MOSAIC, a pioneer bookshop brand focuses on every readers and to re-imagine the possibilities of space, content and individual by means of interactive forms that are popular among young people. The bookshop emphasizes user-oriented book selection strategy to respond every individuals’ reading requirements. Applying the same methodology, the interior design of the bookshop is carried out by closely addressing reading experience.      

Design process

One’s reading interest is unlikely to be limited to a specific type of book. Instead, it would grow from one point of interest to several related fields. Also, when people do their reading, they probably have something at their hands. It might be snacks or stationery. Therefore, the reading experience Call me MOSAIC emphasizes is always conducted in a multi-dimensional scenario.

As the studies on reading behaviour, the C-shaped shelves are devised as the module. Shelves of varied length stacking in space generate a complex and bursting book wall just like the multi-dimensional space illustrates in scenes of Interstellar. People can experience horizontal reading when receiving information from different directions at the same time.


The design of bookshelves is inspired by the live commenting which gains phenomenon success in video social media. The C-shaped units boost from the back wall, overhanging in the space and coloured vivid amaranth. Standing in between these shelves, customers can find books they are interested in and other products highly related.

© Jason Guo

  • Interiors Designers


  • Location

    Happy Valley, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

  • Category

    Interior Design

  • Interior Designer

    Jason Guo

  • Lighting Designer

    Lighting Space Design

  • Area

    157.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Jason Guo

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