Center for Social Services / Antonio Blanco Montero

Becoming aware of the reality needed to face, there are three elements that set the way to take: A not short of needs program to reach the objectives, and the complexity in their relationships. Urban planning limits building height and floor area. A complicated location results of the fragmentation of near-circular end of a block, with a certain air of immediacy, in which the traditional pattern of building facade line and coop at the back of the plot did not demand major requirements.

The access, through the intermediate level, leads an atrium that involves the three levels, which invites to recognize the building at first look, so as to convey a feeling of hospitality. It’s important to avoid certain conventions for privacy, inherited from obsolete forms to understand the work that take cover in schemes with numerous filters. This behavior separates the relationship with the user. In this sense, those services for groups are located with immediate access, while the filters that channel those individualized services are minimized.

The overlapping of activities, relationships and constant visual juxtaposition of paths, helps us understand the unintended catalyst vocation of the building, looking for the ability to convey a certain sense of optimism.


  • Architects

    Antonio Blanco Montero

  • Location

    41900 Camas, Sevilla, Spain

  • Category

    Community Center

  • Structure Calculation

    Sergio Estevez Salazar

  • Client

    Camas Municipality

  • Area

    720.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Fernando Alda

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