Chengdu Doko / House Fiction

Text description provided by the architects. The site is facing a Tang Dynasty buddha temple.

It is exactly the red wall surrounded of the temple leads the design of a signature view finder, which freezes outdoor scene for interior, also as lens to recording customer’s circulation for passers to better understand interior structure.

GF Interior. Image


GF Interior. Image

Besides, this restaurant mainly provides Japanese fusion dessert,  so  “coral red” in colour dictionary of Taisho and Showa period was chosen for the passage.

GF Interior. Image

Corridor Layer. Image

It is mean to emphasise dialogue with the red wall. This passage made up with scissor staircase from GF, interlayer platform and column-free spiral to 1F.

Passage Detail. Image

Metal net and glass curtain wall build up double facade for both GF and 1F. Door frames and window frames pull or push metal net .

Passage View Finder. Image

At the same time when soften indoor-outdoor edge, it also meat to set a swordsmen-image, this is to respond the name of this restaurant which is actually a line of  Tang Dynasty poem.

1F Windowsill Cassette. Image © Fangfang Tian

  • Interiors Designers

    House Fiction

  • Location

    Daci temple, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

  • Category

    Restaurants & Bars

  • Area

    200.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Fangfang Tian

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