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Courtyard for Yamaguchi Sake Brewery / CASE-REAL

Text description provided by the architects. A partial renovation plan of for Yamaguchi Sake Brewery based in Kurume city Fukuoka prefecture. The client wished to effectively use the courtyard between the aged main house and warehouse on the same premise, while maintaining the continuity of the two structures. As a solution, we connected the two with a washed finished cement floor and stair, and by re-arranging the large opening of the lounge space in the main house we were able to create a closer connection between the buildings.


© Hiroshi Mizusaki

  • Architects


  • Location

    Fukuoka, Japan

  • Category


  • Design

    Koichi Futatusmata, Koichi Shimohira(CASE-REAL)

  • Construction


  • Client

    Yamaguchi Syuzou

  • Type of Project


  • Use

    Lounge, Courtyard

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Hiroshi Mizusaki

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