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CUPA Pizarras Showroom / Ivan Cotado Diseno de Interiores

Text description provided by the architects. Through the strategic interior design of Ivan Cotado, a discipline that fuses interior design and marketing, CUPA decides to create a space in which to receive its clients and generate a memorable experience centered on the essence of the brand. And that this experience accompanies the visitor even after having passed through its facilities. In this case, the showroom concept falls short of the objectives set, which go far beyond the mere sample of materials.

Floor Plan

The design of the space revolves around an architectural metaphor formed from a cloister. A cloister that invites to “walk” the space in a perimetral and descending way accompanied by screens with presence sensors that show, in the visitor’s way, the history of the brand since 1892. In the center of the patio a colossal slate tree, whose ramaje represents the 5 fundamental values of the company in various languages that symbolize its global character: honesty, effort, austerity, vocation of leadership and commitment.

In elements such as the lounge bars, the reception desk or the projection room, the company demonstrates its leadership and the possibilities of its product through its own techniques and patents that push the placement to the limit, investing, in this case, a structure of great weight through the CUPACLAD® system, and presenting an imposing curved slate roof. Finally, a lounge decorated with the corporate color and chaired by a bar of “rachon” gives way to the changing rooms, that intimate place where designers often relax their attention, and in this case is the key piece of the experiential puzzle created by Ivan Cotado.

With a view of the mountain from which the slate itself is extracted, the visitor is accommodated in a seat personalized with his name that keeps the safety material that will be used in the visit to the quarries: boots, vest, suit … In that moment when he puts on his boots while contemplating the mountain, Valdeorras, the origin of everything, the story of Cupa.. At that precise moment the visitor will be able to interpret the message and find for himself the reason for all that.


Ivan Cotado projects a unique, honest and committed experiential space with the values of the brand it represents, whose maximum purpose is not to sell or show a product, but to tell a story, that is what makes it unique. The CUPA Showroom is the perfect support to generate an optimal and memorable customer experience.

© Hector Santos-Diez

  • Interior Design

    Ivan Cotado Diseno de Interiores

  • Location

    A Medua, Ourense, Spain

  • Category


  • Area

    210.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Hector Santos-Diez

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