D? House / 365 Design

Text description provided by the architects. Cricket house project took place in suburb, Hanoi. With total area of 560m2, the construction area of 200m2, this is one of the projects designed and finished by 365 Design.

Floor plan

After a lot of concept that stayed on paper, this is the concept we invested in a lot of time and thought to bring to reality. The main inspiration of this project is Nature. Cricket House is designed with open spaces to maximize the connection between people and nature.


During construction process, we couldn’t optimize material used becaused of the location in suburb. In the end, we used the available material from local supplier and plants to create a morden architectural space that could get on well with the surrounded space.

© Hoang Le

  • Architects

    365 Design

  • Location

    Th?ch Th?t, Vietnam

  • Category

    Houses Interiors

  • Lead Architects

    T? Dinh Van

  • Other participants

    Nguy?n Nhu Thanh, Nguy?n Hoang Tu

  • Area

    200.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Hoang Le

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