Esporles House / Sio2 Arch y Toni Montes

Esporles House belongs to a set of Sio2Arch projects that explore the convergence of landscape and domestic space. The project is built in Esporles, Majorca, on a site with a strong slope. The volume has a U shape forming a new exterior landscape that becomes part of the section of the house. The ground qualifies the interior, making it permeable, and the architecture organizes the exterior, making it inhabitable.


The house is designed as a set of relations between landscape and architecture. The project reflects that tension, qualifying a new domestic space that flows between interior and exterior. The interiors are worked building thresholds and transitions. The game between domestic and domesticated spaces constitutes an inhabitable scape that expands the traditional notion of garden city house.

© Jose Hevia

  • Architects

    Sio2 Arch y Toni Montes

  • Location

    Illes Balears, Spain

  • Category


  • Authors

    Santi Ibarra, Toni Montes, Lluis Ortega, Xavier Osarte, Esther Segura

  • Design Team

    Juan Gandara, Oriol Vives, Jordi Ribo

  • Area

    2475.7 ft2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Jose Hevia

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