Fusion House / Dankor Architecture

Text description provided by the architects. The overall feeling of the house is dynamic movement – the facade is on a steep angle slicing into the existing dwelling and pulling away from the original building. The idea behind the proposed three bedroom extension to a single story 1970s single story brick dwelling, was to embrace the original design while simultaneously creating a bold new, contemporary, form. We wanted to create a tension between the ‘old’ existing condition and proposed ‘new’ addition.

To continue the tension between the original built form and the new extension we designed the timber lining boards on an angle, slicing into the 1970s plastered walls. Timber battens on the ceiling and interior walls created a contrasted the white monochromatic interior of the original dwelling.

Floor Plan


Finally, we wanted to create a seamless transition between interior and exterior. To achieve this we designed the cavity sliding doors to seamlessly recessed into the facade and open each bedroom directly onto the yard.

© Dan Korman

  • Architects

    Dankor Architecture

  • Location

    Melbourne, Australia

  • Category


  • Lead Architects

    Dan Korman

  • Builder

    Ecost Design Construct

  • Structural Engineer

    David Landy Engineers

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Dan Korman

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