House Rehabilitation in Villanueva de Duero / Arias Garrido Arquitectos

Text description provided by the architects. This small construction, property of the local council of Villanueva de Duero, was built in the 1950s as the house for the bailiff. It responds to a very common building typology during the post-war period, in social promotions carried out in Valladolid by the Ministry of Housing and the National Housing Institute. These were very simple constructions, with load-bearing brick walls as support system and brick vaults that cover the space, considering the high costs of steel structures and that the use of wood was in disgrace.


The intervention draws from a very tight budget, which forced the use of low-cost materials and solutions that ensured the recovery of the house according to current regulations. The original volume of approximately 60 m2, with two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen, is restored, eliminating later expansions that were executed in a more modest way and that were also pretty damaged. This renovation seeks to highlight the properties of the house, pointing the brick vault out, keeping and emphasizing the original textures of the interior partition walls and the outside rugged plaster walls, and restoring the traditional gloria. The enclosure walls are lined inside with plywood and polycarbonate panels. The patio is solved with maximum simplicity, using concrete block enclosure, pebbles pavement, and a concrete deck.

© Ruben Hernandez Carretero

  • Architects

    Arias Garrido Arquitectos

  • Location

    Villanueva de Duero, Spain

  • Category


  • Architect in charge

    Javier Arias Madero, Susana Garrido Calvo

  • Collaborating Architects

    Alberto Lopez del Rio, Maria Eugenia Ruiz Heras

  • Area

    645.83 ft2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Ruben Hernandez Carretero

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