Huangshi Urban Complex / AUBE

Text description provided by the architects. Facing endless Daye Lake and backed by the emerging ecological new city, Huangshi Urban Complex is supposed to be a link between Daye Lake ecological circle and modern city as well as a gateway for opening up. It is an urban space for exhibition, entertainment and ecological leisure.

Facade. Image

Located in Daye Lake Ecological New District, with functions of exhibition and archive storage, Huangshi Urban Complex is the first public building on the main development axis of the district and conveys the development keynote of this district. AUBE won the bid in December 2015, and started the construction in April 2016. After two years, the project was completed in 2018.

Functional Areas. Image

The design concept is originated from the Mining and Metallurgy Canyon of Huangshi National Mine Park. Its basic shape faces the future Garden Show Park and echoes the core building. Building volume is cut in the central area so as to separate the planning hall and the archive hall. This method is helpful for independent operation of the two halls and keeping a complete grand image of the project. A green community with function of business, office, living and tourism is taking shape in this area of green nature power.

Perspective View from Southwest. Image

According to features of local environment and neighborhood, a view corridor is arranged for Daye Lake and the ecological new city behind the lake, and the middle part of the building is made hollow as a “window”. Guided by a stair plaza, people can walk to the grey space square which provides space for viewing, gathering, recreation and exhibition.With the concept of “Multi-cores, one wing and one ring”, independence of function and sharing of multi-level space are both achieved, which makes an organic integration of all parts.

City Stage. Image

Cores refers to separated functional space of the three halls, which ensure respective operation and management. Wing refers to shared space of the three halls. The wing is designed not only for function of each hall, but also for offering shared space as much as possible. This approach increases interaction among the three halls and remains respective operation. Ring refers to public space. It attracts people more actively with a manner of inclusiveness and openness.

Floodlight Design. Image

Taking Shape
1.The building is constructed at a distance from the lake, so as to give space to the square. This way is good for open view, especially for the best lake view.
2.Shape of the building is turned for interaction with the city green axis and the lake.
3.Hallow part in the middle of the building volume becomes a gateway that starts a dialogue between nature and city.
4.Big landscape stairs guide the people flow while connecting inside and outside.
5.Skylight helps interaction between the inside and the outside, shapes a city stage and improves quality of shared space. 
Big atrium and elevator are introduced to enrich the shared space.

Floodlight Design. Image

Functional Flow Line
Most part of the Planning Hall is designed on the first floor for exhibition with large flow of people. Meanwhile, some exhibition space is arranged on upper cantilever part to lead audience to enjoy the grand view of Daye Lake from a higher perspective. The Archive Hall is in the west part and near the city’s central landscape belt. The Urban Construction Archive Hall is in the east part.

Floodlight Design. Image

Construction Process
Design of long-span structure and twisted building shape required high level construction technique. BIM technology was used for modeling of key parts and sophisticated construction techniques and procedures. After repeated modeling, the best plan was figured out. Real-time 3D visualization simulation technology was applied for technical disclosure with workers. It’s significant to use BIM technology to make simulation of construction procedures of the twisted shape and complex joints and guide the on-site work. 

Landscape Square. Image

  • Architects


  • Location

    Huangshi, Hubei, China

  • Category

    Community Center

  • Client

    Planning Bureau of Huangshi City

  • Area

    27500.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Yong Zhang

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