Inbetween A Thai Street / J.C. Architecture

Text description provided by the architects. This project is a Thai food restaurant, with the site is very long and narrow, our goal is to deal with the common problem in a shopping mall, and provide a genuine Thai culture experience.

Challenged by the narrowness but inspired by the height of the site, we envisioned the space as a long market street in Thailand. We place several working counters separately in the restaurant, like vendors sitting in Thai markets. To further enhance the idea of Thai market, working with Bannavis Andrew Sribyatta from Dictator for Architecture and Design Thailand, we work together to combine the Thai craftsmanship with the space.

Courtesy of J.C. Architecture

Hanging bamboo nets which were made by old Thai masters, with light casting through, creating beautiful shadows on the dining surface. The bamboo nets are also used to separate the dining area and aisle area, but also connect the relationship between what’s inside and outside.

The space is embellished with exquisite bamboo baskets, decorative tiles, hand-made and white swing chairs. People can be casual and relaxed in this open space. Whether to dine under the bamboo shed, watching Eszter Chen’s masterpiece, or to jump on the cozy swing chair, enjoying the traditional Thai-food. We tried to blend rich Thai elements in the space, to guide people to submerge into an experience like a Thai Market.

© Kuo-Min Lee

  • Interiors Designers

    J.C. Architecture

  • Location

    Taipei, Taiwan

  • Category

    Restaurants & Bars

  • Lead Architects

    Johnny Chiu

  • Other participants

    Siam More restaurant, Feastogether Corporation, Bannavis Andrew Sribyatta

  • Area

    207.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Kuo-Min Lee

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