International Arts Center and Hotel at the Sant Julia de Ramis Fortress / Fuses- Viader Architects

Text description provided by the architects. The project sets the restoration of the Sant Julia’s Castle enclosure – 19th century fortress- and the recovery of its surroundings, through the creation of a facility to host a Contemporary Arts Centre, accompanied of complementary services: workshops for artists, auditorium, hotel and restaurants. The fortress is formed by a set of units, built with vaults and walls made of stone with considerable thickness, the majority of them half-buried and communicated through tunnels that run across the mountain.

First floor plan

The lower level of the set hosts the museum area and the hotel is placed at the top, the area that was formerly known as the stronghold, the zone where the explosives used to be stored. A big auditorium with oval section 7,5m high with a reinforced concrete vault cast with natural soil formwork, is placed at the center of the set, next to the main entrance. All the new buildings also incorporate exposed reinforced concrete as prominent building material.

Cross Section

Being a project that combines restoration and new construction there are two basic building solutions. The prominent one keeps the austere fortress spirit of the existing castle, with half-buried walls and green roof covered with soil and vegetation. This concept is complemented in certain areas with glazed walls buildings with lightweight facades and roofs made out of corten steel.

Longitudinal Section 02

© Carlos Suarez-Kilzi

  • Architect

    Fuses- Viader Architects

  • Location

    Muntanya dels Sants Metges, 17481, Girona, Spain

  • Category

    Visual Arts Center

  • Architects authors of the work

    Josep Fuses, Joan M. Viader

  • Design Team

    Carla Arruebo, Jordi Serra, Pilar Arbones

  • Area

    11466.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Carlos Suarez-Kilzi, Jordi Mas, Josep M. Torra

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