JI House / Sergio Sebastian arquitecto

Text description provided by the architects. House JI’ is a reinterpretation of a traditional housing model in Lecinena, a small village in the heart of Monegros desert. Behind the walls is a village inside a village.

Cortesia de Sergio Sebastian arquitecto

Cortesia de Sergio Sebastian arquitecto

A house like so many others sunken in the terrain, hidden between tall white walls finished with tile, protected from the dust and wind with rough resistant rendering and brimming with life in the interior patios. Its relationship with the paths and streets that surround it is facilitated by large wooden gates.



Every function of the house itself, and space? of each resident, associated in a constructive and composite way with a house. Seen in their original or archetypal context, with a gabled roof, the powerful presence of the space connecting them to the exterior with a simple, almost rudimentary construction, the houses host the different rooms.

Elevations + Sections

Ground floor plan

Enveloping these little houses is a communal space that links them, inside and outside. Inside, these ‘streets’ and ‘squares’ host the shared living spaces—such as a living room, hall, play room— in a single construction.

Constructive section 01

  • Architect

    Sergio Sebastian arquitecto

  • Location

    Lecinena, Spain

  • Category


  • Architects in Charge

    Sergio Sebastian Franco

  • Design Team

    Pilar Villuendas, Victoria Gonzalez, Ivan P.Martin, Alejandro Alda, Giorgio Bernardi

  • Area

    247.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Irene Ruiz Bazan

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