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L106 / Pereira Miguel Arquitectos

Text description provided by the architects. Single-family house project in a recent suburban dwelling, mixing concepts of beach, condominium, and nature.

Planta Terreo e Elevacao Sudoeste

It is characterized by the implantation of a rectangular volume of a single floor, perpendicular to the entrance, fulfilling the offsets defined by the urbanistic law. This volume opens to the back of the lot where a lawn and a water mirror are located, both drawn in a sequence of rectangles.

The building is constructed in concrete and plastered masonry painted white, with a flat roof and exterior blades covered by local canes.

Model 1

The piece that most characterizes the house is the entrance wall in Cobogo, which takes advantage of the northwest orientation to create combinations of varied shadows cast over the white walls.

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

  • Architects

    Pereira Miguel Arquitectos

  • Location

    Comporta, Portugal

  • Category


  • Architects in charge

    Luis Pereira Miguel, Felipe Martins Correia

  • Area

    154.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

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