LOFT 9 / skimA

Text description provided by the architects. LOFT9 is located on the hill of Dongsomun-dong facing the high-rise apartment and surrounded by low-level red tile-roofed houses. Next to the site, the white painted housing building is newly constructed. LOFT9 consisted of 9 rooms is for rent, so it aims to have maximum floor area with an efficient form. The volume, which is driven by the right of light, is delicately refined with setbacks for the clarity of form. The 4th & 5th level is designed like loft house for maximizing wide view on the terraces. Simple box shape is partly filleted on the corner edges with balustrades for softening the rectangular volume which is cladded with the pale red in between the old red tile-roofed houses and new white building.

Plan (L4)

Section AA

© Jaesang Lee (770 studio)

  • Architects


  • Location

    Dongsomun-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, South Korea

  • Category


  • Lead Architects

    Sejin Kim

  • Design Team

    Yunseon Cho

  • Contractor

    COWORKERS / Sungjoon Ahn

  • Area

    342.34 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Jaesang Lee (770 studio)

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