M.C. Building / URCODE Architecture

Text description provided by the architects. The site is towards to east and west direction. The narrow side of site links to the road, so there should be longer walking distance inside. In the light of business district and the view of pedestrians, it is designed to approach the site from the first and second floor, and the connection of stair hall and elevator locate inside of building. From the purpose of an owner of building is to lease spaces, however architecture doesn’t exist for letting itself. The use of architecture should be on users’ point of view and it can be transformed by the users’ opinions. Depends on users’ opinion, it can be restaurants or offices. The intention of architect is to respond transformation of its design, moreover expect to be constructed in many ways than one.

This building may looks like opening the box which reflects joy of opening little boxes through the experiencing a building. The meaning of ‘opening’ also contain the owners’ hope as well.


Section 01

There is a balcony in each floor for feeling the air, and having high celling of fifth floor is to intend lighting. In case of transforming the use of rooftop, it constructs for easy extension. Also using stone for the finishing materials gives unified atmosphere in the building. The surface of stone consists with dabbed finishing which contrasts the surface of glass.


  • Architects

    URCODE Architecture

  • Location

    895-13 Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

  • Category

    Office Buildings

  • Lead Architects

    Hoon, Shin

  • Area

    1820.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs


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