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Micro-barn / Edgar Papazian architect

Text description provided by the architects. A tucked-away rehabilitated garage set behind one of the grand old houses on Sag Harbor’s Main Street, the Micro-barn serves as an artists studio and events space for Sag Harbor’s burgeoning art scene. Designed to communicate on a new pocket pebble garden with an aged elm tree, the barn with its angled sliding glass doors and an attached mini deck allows artist occupants access to nature and private contemplation, separate from the active parking lot adjacent.


The original stick-framed garage which had suffered extreme neglect and was about to collapse was first yanked back into square and re-pinned to its foundation by the contractor. An attached tumble-down shed was demolished, but a hint of that former structure is felt in the geometry of a new attached exterior deck, placed at the same dogleg angle as the original structure.

Plan 01

The Micro-barn features modest materials of low cost but evocative of the Hamptons locale – a knotty cedar board-and-batten corduroy siding assembly complements a polycarbonate roof and clerestory, used for daylighting the interior. A cedar slat screen for privacy between the pocket garden and the parking lot interleaves with the corduroy siding. Panels of white-painted oriented strand board serve as interior gallery walls. The original diagonal structural braces and geometry of the garage roof were preserved, and a raised floor at the rear of the interior space was created to allow a domestic or performance zone for the artist occupant, as well as other temporary and informal uses not envisioned by the design team.

© Attic Fire

  • Architects

    Edgar Papazian architect

  • Location

    Main St, Southampton, NY, United States

  • Category

    Arts & Architecture

  • Architect

    Edgar Papazian architect

  • Construction

    P2D1 llc

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Attic Fire

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