Nefos (The Cloud) / Naive People Design

Text description provided by the architects. The project Nefos was built as the result of an international architecture design competition named Cook8 in which the organizers asked architects and designers around the world to imagine a restaurant experience for 8 people in the Benaki Museum of Greece that reflect our contemporary time.

As a response we believe that with the advent of the technophile society that we are part of nowadays, we live more than ever our life through immaterial platforms created by computer algorithms. From Apple’s iCloud to our curated lifestyle on social media such as Facebook and Instagram, the physical reality of life is blurred by our immaterial existence on a Cloud that we are naming Nefos.


Therefore, Nefos is a material depiction of the immaterial way of living, and consequently we imagine, in the context of creating new eating rituals with respect to our zeitgeist, the building of a structure that encompasses an orgy wherein reality and falsehood are to be reflected as verisimilitude through 24 mirrors, and wherein our life and the reflection of our life are to be put into physical as well as visual contact. Because we are constantly living in a blur, shifting between our reality and our curated portrayal, to experience Nefos is to feast on the contributions of our social network, to see what our peers will bring to the table, and most importantly to interact with each other through the realness as well as the falseness of a technophile way of life.


© Jiyao Weng?

  • Architects

    Naive People Design

  • Location

    Koumpari 1, Athina 106 74, Greece

  • Category


  • Design Team

    Felix Chun Lam, Yi Ran Weng, with the collaboration of Ziyang Luo

  • Area

    38.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Jiyao Weng?

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