Netease Yan Xuan Exhibition Hall / Li Fan Design Firm
Text description provided by the architects. There are six different areas in the space. The overall space has a height of 5.3 meters. Designed in different display areas on the basis of a naked blank; one bedroom, one garment area, main cashier, a living room, a dining room and a comprehensive display area.
The shelf structure of the extension wall is designed as a modular component, which can be easily disassembled and reinstalled in another store location. The vending machine is presented with a situational display state. In this way, the exhibition hall is divided into areas required by programs: restaurant, living room, bedroom, etc. But the entire space is unified by a circle of gray and shelves. The exhibition hall feels like home. Through different divisions, d diverse spatial order is constructed.
Courtesy of Li Fan Design Firm
Courtesy of Li Fan Design Firm
Courtesy of Li Fan Design Firm
Interiors Designers
Li Fan Design Firm
Wangshang Rd, Binjiang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Architect in Charge
Yining Zhou
Design Team
Li Fan Design Firm
Netease Yan Xuan
Dongqiang Guo
200.0 m2
Project Year
Dongqiang Guo
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