New Construction of a Parish House / Kunze Seeholzer Architekten

Text description provided by the architects. The position of the parish house creates – in connection with the church as well as the parsonage – a clearly arranged and the community open receiving place. The buildings round off the square and open up to him. From here, the main development of the new parish house takes place.

A green intermediate zone creates an adequate distance to the busy Alto?ttinger Stra?e. The wall, which is positioned at the southern edge of the square, holds the exterior space, provides stability and protects the parish square from street noise at the same time. The accompanying roofing allows a largely dry, pedestrian connection between rectory and sacristy.

A covered entrance area leads to the foyer, as well as directly to the parish hall. At events, the foyer as well as the parish hall can be generously opened out to the forecourt, creating a smooth transition from uncovered to covered areas. The foyer is arranged in such a way that the direct access for the visitors is possible both over the generous square and directly from the northwest parking lot.

Site plan

The parish house is divided into three functional areas, which can be used independently or as a large unit. The adjoining room zone with kitchen, toilets and vertical access serves both the foyer with parish hall and the general parish house area with the rooms. The large parish hall can be divided or joined into a large room. The foyer can also be added if required. The arrangement of the rooms within the parish house guarantees the possibility of simultaneous events in the parish hall. This applies to the development paths as well as to the use of the rooms and offered outdoor areas.

To strengthen the ecclesiastical ensemble and insert the new parish house, the building envelope of the solid, closed facade parts was executed with a levigated exposed masonry.

© Jann Averwerser Photography

  • Architects

    Kunze Seeholzer Architekten

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Jann Averwerser Photography

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