No.1986 Coffee & Restaurant / Le House

“Have you ever wondered how to make a design impressive? Just give an architecture the basic material, he will create the miracles”. This project does light up those said.
This project, which is not outstood the featured orientation in design, still has its own story. Take the idea from the “Mo Qua” scarf (Vietnamese Kerchief – what has the shape of the crow’s mouth), which popular known as Northern girl’s wearing, mixed with the new taste which created our wonderful lobby.

First Floor Plan

The front made from natural materials tricked us into illusions as the layout divides the floor with the large floor space connected by two blocks of special long stairs, leads us every step up to “Paradise”. “Now” and “then” is apparent in every dimension simultaneously.  If the old brick wall stays, the furniture and decorations put in don’t have the connection, but greenery give the common voice. 

when we walk through the lobby door, what we want to show is not displaying dense furniture items and the large bar for barista. The things I want everyone to know are the world where they have a discover adventure as the soul of the North girls. These things are shine upon all the shade tree on the surface of the water and a school of fish swims gently together.  We don’t want the coffee shop is standardized.


I would like to come to a quiet garden and watch it from all sides, watch the sunshine’s emotions today which is short or long, grumpy summer or early fall. After all, sitting and having a little taste coffee will be very interesting hobbies. If you don’t believe, please visit  “Mot Chin Tam Sau (No.1986) coffee, best black coffee, iced milk coffee in Hai Phong city”.

© Hiroyuki Oki

  • Architects

    Le House

  • Location

    33 Dinh Tien Hoang, Hoang Van Th?, H?ng Bang, H?i Phong, Vietnam

  • Category

    Coffee Shop

  • Area

    1000.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Hiroyuki Oki

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