Old Building Renovation on Zhenbang Road / TEAM BLDG
Text description provided by the architects. 114 Zhenbang Road is a restaurant project renovated from a historical building with traditional “Qilou” – arcade surroundings. It is distinctive for the original archi-tectural form and its unique location, Zhongshan Road which was the old city cen-ter in Xiamen. Existing buildings in this area can be traced back to 1920s, as a common architecture typology of arcade in the southern Fujian area. Our project is a five-storey arcade, located in the street corner, with the area of 45 sqm per floor
The site context and architectural features are significant aspects of design con-siderations at the same time of meeting functional requirements. Although all the buildings in the surrounding are arcade, the street elevation seems to be some-what littery on account of long time and lack of maintenance.
We hope that the reborn elevation can bring the lightsome and lively atmosphere to the old street and maintain the inner relationship with the traditional architectural form. Therefore, we modify the original facade design into aluminum grating, adopting the size of local red brick in Xiamen as a module to express the traditional form with modern material.
Furthermore, the rhythm of holes in the grating is designed with parameterization according to the daily light data. As a result, there will be gradual change of density from top to bottom, so that the daylighting and heat preservation can be guaran-teed.
2F plan
Interior design emphasizes the contrast of light and heavy, dark and light to the ex-ternal facade. In addition, terrazzo is applied in the area of floor and wall, and con-sequently forms a grey core vertically running through 5 floors. In the evening, the livest time in the Zhongshan Road area, it can be seen even in the distance as a self-luminous volume with massive inner core and lightsome frock.
© Eiichi Kano
114 Zhenbang Rd., Xiamen, Fujian, China
Lead Architect
Lei Xiao
Design Team
Lu Bai, Yingying Liu, Jialin Pan, Lizhou Ye, Pedro Ruiz Mazano
155.0 m2
Project Year
Eiichi Kano
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