Pier 17 / SHoP Architects

Text description provided by the architects. SHoP’s design for the new Pier 17 at the South Street Seaport re-imagines the mall to create a mix of boutique and a large restaurant and retail spaces. The new design echoes the typical New York streetscape, with smaller individual structures housing shops and restaurants, separated by open-air pedestrian thoroughfares.

C. Taylor Crothers Photography, Courtesy of Bendheim

Site Plan

Two large floors stretch out above the small shops as a roof, each measuring 60,000 sqf. Enormous glass garage-style doors descend in bad weather to seal in the lower levels of the complex, offering protection from the elements but still opening up previously blocked views of the Brooklyn Bridge.

South Elevation

East Elevation

The new Pier 17 will completely transform the existing building into a vibrant destination which builds on Lower Manhattan’s commercial resurgence, continued residential growth, and evolution into a 24/7 live/work/play community.

Courtesy of SHoP Architects

  • Architects

    SHoP Architects

  • Location

    New York, NY, United States

  • Category


  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Ty Cole

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