Refurbishment of the old Headquarters of the Granada Monte de Piedad / DTR_studio architects

Text description provided by the architects. This is a XVIII century building. The old headquarters of the “Monte de Piedad” de Granada. It was like a Public Pawn shop. The amazing situation (just in front of the Alhambra), the public scale of the spaces and its configuration made this project a special one. We have tried to keep its atmosphere and propose a new language that improve to the existing building.

Ground floor plan

The strategy has been to reinforce the different constructive typologies existing in the building and add a new one for the roof.

The estructure of the Main Facade is the most noble, made with a very large wood beams

Section A

Section B

The estructure around the patio are a more domestic constructive system. And the backyard garden facade is the most modest construction. The top roof will be resolved with a steel structure and arches ceramic blocks, following the logic evolution of the building construction. The last slab made in the building (around the mid of XX century) consisted in arches made with bricks.

About the finishing, we propose neutral material, to emphasize the existing elements that we keep: hydraulic floors, old brick walls, stone columns, decorated lintels … in conclusion all the things that represented the memory of the building to keep its atmosphere

© Cris Beltran

  • Architect

    DTR_studio architects

  • Location

    Carrera del Darro, 51, 18010 Granada, Spain

  • Category


  • Authors

    Jose Maria Olmedo, Jose Miguel Vazquez

  • Area

    1407.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Cris Beltran

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