Romainville / Brenac & Gonzalez & Associes

Text description provided by the architects. Fragmentation of built mass opens the way for a continuity with the surrounding context and the creation of visual perspectives, making this city block more porous and open. This approach also alleviates the perception of density, resulting in quality apartments, with multiple orientations and limited direct views of the neighbors opposite.

Ground Floor Plan

A feeling of being closed off has been eliminated in favor of the enhancements of framing and views into the distance, now enjoyed by the inhabitants, passersby, and even neighboring city blocks.

Greenery also has an important role to play, slipping into the building’s interstices and colonizing the interior courtyards of the city block. This domestic, vernacular aspect underscores the architectural plan through the treatment of the terraces, which are detached from the facades, served by wooden footbridges and can be imagined as treehouses.

© Sergio Grazia

  • Architects

    Brenac & Gonzalez & Associes

  • Location

    4 Rue de la Resistance, 93230 Romainville, France

  • Category


  • Area

    10790.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Sergio Grazia

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