S House / studio entitas

Text description provided by the architects. Located in Medan, Indonesia, S House was designed to accommodate the occupants in a comfortable house that responds well to the climate. This two-story house has a public, semi-public and service area on the first floor, while the second floor has private and service area.

The two main building masses are connected by a bridge as a connector and ramp are used for vertical circulation. Space between the two masses works as an “atrium” which enable visual contact from and to the surrounding rooms. It also provides natural lighting and gives a monumental and inside/outside feel when someone enters the house

Lower Floor Plan

Upper Floor Plan

A corridor that connects the main bedroom with roof garden is covered by a brick screen to ensure the privacy of the room inside and to let the air flow freely into the house. The corridor is a cantilevered structure that shadow the room beneath.

© Andhika Nugraha Siregar

  • Architects

    studio entitas

  • Location

    Medan, Indonesia

  • Category


  • Lead Architects

    Andhika Nugraha Siregar, Nerwin Putra

  • Design Team

    Rahadian Rihadi, Mahendra Athos Daulay

  • Area

    321.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Andhika Nugraha Siregar

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