Shelter for the Homeless / RKW Architektur +

Text description provided by the architects. In Essen (Germany) the last two blocks of a homeless shelter were handed over to the users in 2018. The three clearly structured, parallel buildings characterised by exposed concrete and sky-blue glazed bricks are the result of an invitation to tender issued by the City of Essen.

Ground floor plan

What was sought were new buildings for a homeless shelter for 119 people, as well as office space for 2 social workers and 2 housing administrators. RKW Architektur + won the public tender with its modular concept. Despite or precisely because of the tight budget, the architects were able to deliver a complex of noticeable architectural quality.

© Marcus Pietrek

  • Architects

    RKW Architektur +

  • Location

    Liebrechtstra?e, 45277 Essen, Germany

  • Category

    Social Housing

  • Area

    4210.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Marcus Pietrek

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