Showroom Plicosa / Miel Arquitectos
Text description provided by the architects. Palm tree, hut and lounger … this is in essence SHOWROOM PLICOSA, a display of outdoor furniture for wholesalers, a space to sell outdoors Comfort to those who know how best to sell it to us.
A sufficiently abstract space to be able to change each season without ever losing its primordial condition, being outside … or at least pretending to be!
And how does onecreate outer space inside a commercial establishment? … by opposition? If there is an interior and I’m not inside then I’m out? … ALL IN!
Our commercial space resulted from the addition of 8 attached industrial units with a slightly trapezoidal shape (20m x 7.60 / 8.20m), so when the 7 internal divisions were removed, a sea of ??pillars appeared on a 1.235m2 space, 5.80m high and slightly radial plant.
The exterior furniture par excellence is the rattan armchair, a climbing palm of Indonesian origin whose fibers are non-prutescent, very flexible and extremely resistant.
1. From the palm, the tree rattan; 2. From the Forest of pillars,the Palm Grove; 3.andfor the inside / outside, the cabin in the forest. Then the 8 windows 8m wide and 4m high, a 70m long cinemascope screen to watch and to be seen.
The natural way in which we find our own way in space is by placing our body in relation to two nearby points, we triangulate just as when navigating … we never draw a mentalgrid!
Based on this cognitive evidence we established the spatial organization of the set adapting to the rhythm of the forest of palm trees with a “slightly radial” triangulation pattern.
And little more: restraining braces that support tribunes and balconies, lattices of cypress that sift and ventilate, black pipes and air condition shaftslike the night that covers them, boxes inside boxes, hierarchies that are assembled as Russian dolls and the resulting “outer” space prepared for the SHOW, whether Truman or the independent Republic of your home.
© Jose Hevia
Miel Arquitectos
Palma, Illes Balears, Espana
Author Architects
Elodie Grammont, Miguel Angel Borras
Eduard Rodriguez
Structural Consulting
Toni Casas
Xarxa Creating Homes
1935.0 m2
Project Year
Jose Hevia
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