Somriures / Masquespacio

Text description provided by the architects. Alberto and Maite followed the work of Masquespacio since a while through social media and decided to contact them to realize the renovation of their dental clinic Somriures, which is situated in a small town called L’Alcudia, around 30 km away from Valencia.

Facade Detail

Being the specialty of Somriures the creation of ‘beautiful smiles’, the design from the dental clinic is highlighted through a sculpture of 2884 strips wooden strips that hang from the ceiling and overwhelm some of the main walls with the aim to recreate a smile. The sculpture above is the perfect guide to take the clients from one point to another.

On the other hand, the turquoise green and white color combination create a smooth feeling, while the small touches of gold, brown leather and dark blue establish a sophisticated contrast. Besides for the custom-made furniture, organic forms were used to match perfectly with the concept of a beautiful smile. 

© Luis Beltran

  • Interiors Designers


  • Location

    Avinguda d’Antoni Almela, 4, 46250 L’Alcudia, Valencia, Spain

  • Category

    Interiors Architecture

  • Area

    120.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Luis Beltran

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