Soriano House / Beyt Architects and Bac Estudio de Arquitectura

Text description provided by the architects. Beyt Architects developed the concept of this Mediterranean house, and teamed up with BAC Estudio de Arquitectura for technical design and further stages.
The house has two main design driving ideas: a clean and efficient layout that had to do its best in a small plot; and the use of patios to bring light inside the house, at the same time as privacy.


A forthright 35m long facade that varies slightly in height, only broken by a strong volume of bare concrete, follows the first concept. The contrast between the pure white volume and the concrete, with wood texture, is relieved with the dialogue achieved with the same vertical louvers in both volumes.

Elevaciones + Cortes

Three different patios that connect different floors, follow the second concept. A small one at the entrance in the intersection of both volumes, a second one connecting also with the underground, guides the stairs through the vertical circulation, and the final one opens the dining room to the backyard. The bespoke louvers sieve the light and view when needed, looking for privacy.

The living room opens widely to the garden with a 4m long glass sliding door, and the kitchen replicates the concept with an open corner that brings the landscape and the olive tree inside the house. The rest of the interiors have been left pure and neutral, letting the materials and design talk by themselves: the wooden floors, the kitchen appliances, the tailored bookcase that accompanies the stair creating a balustrade.

© Adrian Mora Maroto

  • Architect

    Bac Estudio de Arquitectura, Beyt Architects

  • Location

    Valencia, Spain

  • Category

    Houses Interiors

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Adrian Mora Maroto

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