Sunny Apartment / Very Studio | Che Wang Architects
Text description provided by the architects. Sunny Apartment is located in Taichung, one of the typical units of Taiwanese housing. In the space original plan, light and ventilation of public space were blocked by rooms, only the south has an opening. It was far from the ideal home we expected.
Therefore, we propose three strategies from the essence of living and life:
1. Flowing Space:
A new space order of Pentagon was placed into the plan. Then the fluidity and dynamicity of shared space are caused naturally. Oblique walls delimiting the space simultaneously create an extension of the sight and circulation, and the sunshine on it to form the trace of time.
Existing Floor Plan and Altered Floor Plan
Courtesy of Very Studio | Che Wang Architects
2. Flowing Air:
After integrating the functions with the new pentagonal space order. The opening of north, west and the south sides are released, not only the sunlight is introduced in addition the air flow into the shared space naturally. The quality of space and the comfortability of life are enhanced with the breeze.
Ceiling Plan
3. Sound
The Space is flowing and continuous. We would like to define soft boundaries of the space by sound. Therefore the Dome-form ceilings are placed in each pentagonal spaces to cause the sound of life reflected and concentrated to create several sound fields to define functions of And the curved lighting from the gap of also creates and depth.
In this project, We look forward to create a new living with new order of plan and new pattern of section. All about Light, Air and Sound.
Concept Sketch
Very Studio | Che Wang Architects
Taichung, Taiwan
Interiors Architecture
Architects in Charge
Che Wang, Colette Kuo
200.0 m2
Project Year
Te-Fan Wang, Studio Millspace
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