This New Multicultural Center by AIX Arkitekter Begs the Question: What Makes Good Community Design?

Good community design makes a clear investment in not just a beautiful contribution to the surrounding built environment, but also a meaningful and lasting impact on the community members of all ages. This new center has a balance of adult-specific programs like co-work and gym spaces, kid-specific spaces like play and swim areas, and also non-specific spaces like a library and recreation areas.

Ultimately, the claim for public design is rooted in the idea of a more engaged public. Good public architecture maximizes programmatic and spatial relationships to create something beautiful and engaging that immediately gives something back to a community. 

  • Architects

    AIX Arkitekter

  • Location

    Taby, Sweden

  • Category

    Cultural Center

  • Architect in Charge

    Mikael Uppling

  • Design Team

    Yvan Ikhlet, Federico Sforzi, Ry Morrisson, Helena Ekelund, Linnea Zickerman, Ricardo Ortiz

  • Landscape Architects


  • Area

    17730.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    AIX Arkitekter

News via: AIX Arkitekter

  • Architects

    AIX Arkitekter

  • Location

    Taby, Sweden

  • Category

    Cultural Center

  • Architect in Charge

    Mikael Uppling

  • Design Team

    Yvan Ikhlet, Federico Sforzi, Ry Morrisson, Helena Ekelund, Linnea Zickerman, Ricardo Ortiz

  • Landscape Architects


  • Area

    17730.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    AIX Arkitekter

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