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Zhulang Huagai: A Figure for the Nantou Urban Village / NADAAA + Cooper Union

Text description provided by the architects. The Urban Villages of Shenzhen comprise of a series of historic cores whose presence today is precarious at best. Surrounded by the rapid expansion of the contemporary city, the dense urban fabric of these communities serves as a reminder of a past that is not so distant as it is fundamentally out of scale with the emerging forces of real estate.

  • Architects

    Cooper Union, NADAAA

  • Location

    Nantou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China

  • Category


  • NADAAA Design Team

    Nader Tehrani, Katherine Faulkner, Mitch Mackowiak

  • Cooper Union Design Team

    Margaux Wheelock-Shew, Jeremy Son

  • Area

    110.0 m2

  • Project Year


  • Photographs

    Nader Tehrani, Jeremy Son, Dongmei Yao, Yan Meng

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