Zhulang Huagai: A Figure for the Nantou Urban Village / NADAAA + Cooper Union
Text description provided by the architects. The Urban Villages of Shenzhen comprise of a series of historic cores whose presence today is precarious at best. Surrounded by the rapid expansion of the contemporary city, the dense urban fabric of these communities serves as a reminder of a past that is not so distant as it is fundamentally out of scale with the emerging forces of real estate.
Cooper Union, NADAAA
Nantou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
NADAAA Design Team
Nader Tehrani, Katherine Faulkner, Mitch Mackowiak
Cooper Union Design Team
Margaux Wheelock-Shew, Jeremy Son
110.0 m2
Project Year
Nader Tehrani, Jeremy Son, Dongmei Yao, Yan Meng
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